Braden Anderson/ April 25, 2024/ Uncategorized

Renee has a very unique ability to aid in clearing anything that is blocking your ability to move forward. Especially the dark deep trauma that one has accumulated and swept under the rug not wanting to revisit. However dark this may seem one doesn’t actually have to be reviewed. These sessions are life changing and relieving, cleansing and clearing. Freeing.

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Admin/ March 12, 2024/ Uncategorized

This experience was a major pivot point for me to be able to release some very old trauma that was informing my nervous system and relationships my entire life.  Renee guided me into my own heart space to witness, explore and discover what has been hidden and unacknowledged by me. She also guided me into remembering aspects of myself that

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Admin/ March 12, 2024/ Uncategorized

“This was one of the most transformative experiences of my life.  Renee created the space and facilitation to guide me inward to access, release and alchemize parts of myself that I didn’t know how to do alone.  We went all the way back to the origin of my choice to split from Source and Renee guided me through my felt

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Renee/ October 9, 2019/ Uncategorized

Renee has an uncanny intuitive ability to identify energetic disruptions within our earthly bodies and to correct the thoughts, emotions and judgements associated with them.  The potency of the corrections can be felt, sometimes, for days afterwards.  She is diligent in following up with her sessions, often providing emails of self-care directions afterwards.  I have been working with Renee for

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Renee/ October 9, 2019/ Uncategorized

To receive and experience an energy session from Renee LeBeau is absolutely remarkable.  She truly has many gifts and abilities that are like no other!  The way that Renee immediately connects and starts working with your soul, even before she meets you is very profound.  I am a healer and have experienced many types of energy work. Renee offers in

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Renee/ October 9, 2019/ Uncategorized

I’ve done lots of workshops, read lots of books and studied many different teachers. Renee has been a catalyst for me weaving together the best of each and bringing clarity on what to let go of. Because of my work with her, I am more in my body than I have ever been before and I trust my own intuition

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Renee/ October 9, 2019/ Uncategorized

I’ve never met anyone like Renee. Her orientation is through sound vibrations – in fact, she is sound and through her awareness she is able to consciously shift enormous energy fields. If you are ready to make a big life change, whether it exists in this physical plane or in your energetic vibrational reality, Renee is a true alchemist. She

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Renee/ October 9, 2019/ Uncategorized

The work I have done with Renee has been effective on all levels- physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Most importantly, the work is fast. She is like a lightning bolt cutting and clearing through all the junk that is no longer useful during this time and getting right to the heart of helping you connect to your original essence…who you

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