Sound Meditations with Mystic Measures
UnVeiling * Cosmic Awakening * Emergence
Musical Artists
Renee S LeBeau: Vocals, Tibetan Bowls, Hang, Tingshas, Grandmother Drum, Rainstick
Jim Kinney: Native Flutes
Jennifer Kinney: Synthesizers
Recorded at Santa Fe Center for Spiritual Living
Live Sound Engineer
Patrick Bates, LightWorks Media, Inc.
CD Mixing & Mastering
Jim Kinney, Santa Fe Harmony Center Productions
Graphic Design
Jennifer Kinney on UnVeiling & Emergence
Graphic Design and Insert Photo on Cosmic Awakening * Roberto Codato
The UnVeiling

Live Performance on October 31, 2012
The UnVeiling • 76 minutes
Listen to samples from The UnVeiling below:
Cosmic Awakening

Live Performance on December 28, 2012
Cosmic Awakening • 76 minutes
Listen to samples from Cosmic Awakening below:

Live Performance on March 22, 2013
Emergence • 75 minutes
Listen to samples from Emergence below:
“Sound Meditations with Mystic Measures is a collection of three healing soundscapes – Unveiling, Cosmic Awakening and Emergence. These ethereal live performances start with familiar elements – Tibetan bowls, chimes, percussion and voice but quickly introduce us to native flutes and atmospheric synthesizer pads that transport us to a place of deep calm and relaxation.
From this vantage point, the listener is invited to observe the musical dance between the beautifully melodic flute, the lush harmonic texture of the synthesizer and the rich supportive tones of the Hang. Add the pulsing rhythm of the Grandmother Drum to the evocative vocal tones that often answer the flutes melodic ‘questions’ and you have, in each movement, a musical journey that leads us to a place where the heart can open and remain in quiet repose.”
~ Mark Oblinger – Grammy Nominee, 5-Time Emmy winning composer/producer/performer