About Renee & The Heart of Creation

Remember * Restore * Catalyze * Illuminate
The Heart of Creation
The Heart of Creation
The Primordial Sun

Renee is a visionary artist and ancient co-creator with the Primordial field of Creation.  Her direct experience with life brought forth a variety of mystical and highly intuitive abilities.  Her capacity to tune in and sense paradigm shifts including restoring harmonic streams is profound.  

Born with hearing beyond the 5 senses and an oracular connection to many realms; her life path would include photography, jewerlry making, playing percussions, chanting and singing.  Upon discovering the magic of tibetan singing bowls in 2006, she began offering acoustic alchemy events.  New instruments were added and in person events were offered both in and out of the US until 2019.  Acoustic alchemy is available through a variety of vast soundscapes and transmissions including 6 downloadable albums/cds, videos and 2 dvds. Renee is also a studio musician who has recorded with various artists requiring ethereal and harmonic vocals. 

She has directed and produced events, gatherings and retreats for over 2 decades.  She continues to offer potent energetic sessions and group programs using her ancient wisdom and soul language.  Renee is now stepping into the role of an elder in awakening adepts and other Ancient Ones through Tribal Events, Gatherings and Online Programs. 

Renee & The Band of Ancient Instruments